Q: What is CYBER SPIRITS and What is the purpose of this site ?
A: CYBER SPIRITS is a web blog which has a solid foundation in Financial as well as Technology Niches and is dedicated to provide its readers with best information on Finance,Technology news,tips and Insights, software reviews, blogging tutorials, Spirituality, Heath, Life Style and Sikhism.
The Purpose of this blog is to help you manage your Finances and take the maximum advantage of the software tools and technologies. CYBER SPIRITS is one of the popular web blogs in the world with over 150 articles and average traffic exceeding 10,000 page views per month.
Q: When this site started and Who is the author?
A: CYBER SPIRITS started in mid 2006 and is written by Manpreet Singh.
Q: What does the word “CYBERSPIRITS” mean ?
A: The term CYBERSPIRITS has no specific meaning. CYBER is something related to Technology and SPIRITS means Spiritual side. As we aimed to combine both the worlds together, hence forth this word came up.
Q: How do I subscribe to CYBER SPIRITS?
A: Here are all the subscription options - We have a daily email newsletter that is sent everyday featuring top stories of the day. Alternatively, you can follow our blog via RSS Feeds.
Q: How many hours do you spend blogging and much money do you make from it?
A: It can vary at times, If I find something quality that would benefit readers, I keep on blogging, the whole day. In Normal Course it stretches from 8-10 hours a day. I'm not comfortable in disclosing any amount. Our aim is to help people first and off course you can expect an established blog like CYBER SPIRITS to fetch good amount from advertisers.
Q: What software do you use blog ?
A: I use Dash Blog to take Screen Shots, Adobe Photoshop for designing and Blogger for blogging. You can find a good list of my recommended designing tools.
Q: Do you have any tips for bloggers ?
A: I regularly write blogging tips and blogging tricks for newbies as well as experienced bloggers. If you are looking to monetize your blog and want to improve your revenues, please read some of our articles.
Q: Can I reprint your article on my blog or in a print magazine / newspaper ?
A: Please read this Fair Use Guide. We pledge to take plagiarism very seriously. If we discover a website / blog republishing our RSS feeds or website content illegally, we will file a formal complaint with their advertising partners (like Google Adsense, Yahoo) and the DMCA department of the web hosting company.
We will also report the whole blogging community, Blog Search Engines like Technorati about it to get their blog black listed
Q: Does your site have a community ? If yes, how do I join.
A: Please join the Facebook fan club, the MyBlogLog group and the CYBER SPIRITS Social Network
Q: I need some help or have a question. How do I contact you ?
A. You can contact me via this form.
Q: Can we connect on social networking websites ?
A: Absolutely. You are welcome to connect with me on
twitter ,
MyBlog Log ,
technorati ,
facebook ,
friendfeed ,
linkedin ,
stumbleupon ,
Q: Any testimonials, press mentions, etc ?
A: CYBER SPIRITS features as one of the top 50 Technology blogs of all time alongside other famous weblogs like Mashable, TechCrunch, 43 folders etc.
CYBER SPIRITS also features on homepage of NewsFactor.com in Best Blogs, Category.
A: CYBER SPIRITS is a web blog which has a solid foundation in Financial as well as Technology Niches and is dedicated to provide its readers with best information on Finance,Technology news,tips and Insights, software reviews, blogging tutorials, Spirituality, Heath, Life Style and Sikhism.
The Purpose of this blog is to help you manage your Finances and take the maximum advantage of the software tools and technologies. CYBER SPIRITS is one of the popular web blogs in the world with over 150 articles and average traffic exceeding 10,000 page views per month.
Q: When this site started and Who is the author?
A: CYBER SPIRITS started in mid 2006 and is written by Manpreet Singh.
Q: What does the word “CYBERSPIRITS” mean ?
A: The term CYBERSPIRITS has no specific meaning. CYBER is something related to Technology and SPIRITS means Spiritual side. As we aimed to combine both the worlds together, hence forth this word came up.
Q: How do I subscribe to CYBER SPIRITS?
A: Here are all the subscription options - We have a daily email newsletter that is sent everyday featuring top stories of the day. Alternatively, you can follow our blog via RSS Feeds.
Q: How many hours do you spend blogging and much money do you make from it?
A: It can vary at times, If I find something quality that would benefit readers, I keep on blogging, the whole day. In Normal Course it stretches from 8-10 hours a day. I'm not comfortable in disclosing any amount. Our aim is to help people first and off course you can expect an established blog like CYBER SPIRITS to fetch good amount from advertisers.
Q: What software do you use blog ?
A: I use Dash Blog to take Screen Shots, Adobe Photoshop for designing and Blogger for blogging. You can find a good list of my recommended designing tools.
Q: Do you have any tips for bloggers ?
A: I regularly write blogging tips and blogging tricks for newbies as well as experienced bloggers. If you are looking to monetize your blog and want to improve your revenues, please read some of our articles.
Q: Can I reprint your article on my blog or in a print magazine / newspaper ?
A: Please read this Fair Use Guide. We pledge to take plagiarism very seriously. If we discover a website / blog republishing our RSS feeds or website content illegally, we will file a formal complaint with their advertising partners (like Google Adsense, Yahoo) and the DMCA department of the web hosting company.
We will also report the whole blogging community, Blog Search Engines like Technorati about it to get their blog black listed
Q: Does your site have a community ? If yes, how do I join.
A: Please join the Facebook fan club, the MyBlogLog group and the CYBER SPIRITS Social Network
Q: I need some help or have a question. How do I contact you ?
A. You can contact me via this form.
Q: Can we connect on social networking websites ?
A: Absolutely. You are welcome to connect with me on

Q: Any testimonials, press mentions, etc ?
A: CYBER SPIRITS features as one of the top 50 Technology blogs of all time alongside other famous weblogs like Mashable, TechCrunch, 43 folders etc.
CYBER SPIRITS also features on homepage of NewsFactor.com in Best Blogs, Category.
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